Friday, March 9, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

I received the Liebster Blog Award from Tracy at Owl Be Craftin'. Thank you so much Tracy, I am honored that you chose me! Here is some information about the award:

The origins of the Liebster Blog Award are unclear but "the word translates from German as "darling" or "beloved". It's given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to generate some traffic for them.

Here are the guidelines for the Liebster Blog Award
1. Acknowledge the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

2.Give this award to 5 other bloggers, who must have less than 200 followers, and let them know through a comment on their blog.

3. Post the award on your blog

4. Best of all- bask in the glory, have fun, and share the love!

Now, I get to pass this award on to 5 blogs that I think are amazing!  The following blogs i have chosen are ones that i think have great content, ideas, and inspiration. Whether it relates to scrapbooking, cardmaking, other papercrafting products, or cooking...these blogs inspire me!! Please visit  their blogs, look around and leave them some love.
1. Tracie at Tiny Might's Tales
2. Grannie Jannie at Jannies Booth 99
3. Kelly at Kelster Jean
4. Hope at Hope's World